We filmed this movie at approximately half 5 but the sky started to get dark while we was filming which was a big disadvantage. We have edited the film towards the 40 second limit and to be honest we could have done better but we took into account the '180 degree rule', Panning, camera angles; Such as 'Close-ups, varied range shots and medium shots.' We also took into account the coursework deadline and worked effectively to film, edit and finalize our film before the deadline. We bought make-up and applied it to the 'Zombie characters' this made a big impact on our film...

Materials used: Gelotine, face paints, fake blood, foundation
Video From Youtube for make-up tips:

The shot of the watch was out of focus and the camera needs to be focused for a better shot. The white balance was not done and is recognized visually, so next time we need to white balance the camera. There's a problem with the continuity which we will go onto improve in our next video. The camera work was wobbly and wasn't great which we acknowledged and are changing the cameraman. 

Composition Exercise...

Assessment Exercise Original

This is the original piece we have chosen to recreate 30/40 seconds from.
Have you achieved continuity editing?

Have you evidenced your skills from last week?

Have you framed your shots properly?

Have you included the number of shots you have planned?

Does your piece have pace/ atmosphere?

How could it be improved?
Unedited Version of the 'Stalker Film'
Sections needed to be edited out...

Have you achieved continuity editing?

Have you evidenced your skills from last week?

Have you framed your shots properly?

Have you included the number of shots you have planned?

Does your piece have pace/ atmosphere?

How could it be improved?