- Firstly read all the Levels of the mark scheme to get an idea of each one.
- (Level 1 - 1-15, 2 - 16-30, 3 - 31-45, 4 - 36-60
- Mark each one out of 60 and explain why.
We have given this a mark of a level 3.
-There are a number of different shots shown in the film with some being steady shots.
-Colours are appropriate and locations are well used such as the forest.
-The editing of the blue changing of screen with a shaking shot was well used to show that it is the view of one of the possessed.
-One of the downsides of the video was that there was no opening titles or even a title for that matter.
We have given this video a mark of a level 4.
-Excellent shots with good angles and interesting panning shots. Use of distance was used well.
-Mise-en-scene was used well to produce enough lighting and the scenery colour was dark and gloomy which worked well.
-Sound worked well with image.
-Opening titles were clear and looked professional .
We marked this video at level 3.
-The shots are held still a number of times.
-Opening titles were too quickly presented.
-Editing of the camera shots were well placed as they flicked from one to another.
-Black and white editing at the beginning gave it a different feel.
We gave this a level 2.
-Editing of the red/white screen has been used, but used too much.
-Unaware what was fully going on.
-Title relating to type of movie which was good.
-Sound was used well